Overnight parking restrictions return in London
Residents and visitors will be required to register their vehicle to park overnight on most city streets as part of the Overnight Parking Pass program, and vehicles parked without a valid pass may be ticketed.
Just in time for the snow, overnight parking restrictions are back in the City of London.
Effective Wednesday, personal vehicle parking is restricted on city streets between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m.
Residents and visitors will be required to register their vehicle to park overnight on most city streets as part of the Overnight Parking Pass program, and vehicles parked without a valid pass may be ticketed.
The rule is in effect until April 30 and the city says a maximum of 15 free overnight parking passes may be issued per vehicle licence plate.
You can get the passes online anytime or by phone at 519-661-4537 from Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Commercial vehicles, trailers, recreational vehicles or oversized vehicles are not eligible for overnight parking passes.
If a snow event is forecast, a message will be posted on the City’s overnight parking registry, as well as on city social media channels, and passes will not be valid during this time.