Over 100 US lawmakers urge Biden to support TRIPS waiver proposal of India
India Today
Over 100 US lawmakers have written to President Joe Biden urging him to support India's proposal to the WTO to temporarily lift certain intellectual property barriers and allow countries to locally manufacture Covid-19 diagnostics and vaccines.
More than 100 US lawmakers have written to President Joe Biden urging him to support India's proposal to the WTO to temporarily lift certain intellectual property barriers and allow countries to locally manufacture COVID-19 diagnostics and vaccines. The Biden administration has not made a decision on the issue yet. The proposal by India and South Africa will be a focus at the World Trade Organisation's (WTO) meeting on May 5. "We write to convey the urgent need for the United States to support the temporary waiver of some Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) rules proposed by India and South Africa at the WTO, during the COVID-19 emergency," a group of influential American lawmakers wrote in a letter to Biden.More Related News