"Our Hearts Couldn't Take This": Turkish Miners Rush To Help Quake Victims
Monday's 7.8-magnitude earthquake has killed nearly 22,000 people along a swathe of southeastern Turkey and parts of Syria.
When miner Ismail Hakki Kalkan saw people buried under the rubble of Turkey's earthquake, he rushed to help despite living on the opposite side of the tragedy-stricken country.
Kalkan, who has been a miner for eight years, said he felt he had more expertise than most digging through rough terrain since Turkish miners are no strangers to disasters.
"When we watched what was happening here on the TV, we knew that we had to be here and we came," the miner from the Black Sea province of Zonguldak said.
Monday's 7.8-magnitude earthquake has killed nearly 22,000 people along a swathe of southeastern Turkey and parts of Syria.
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