Ottawa teen raced in socks to get help for friends who fell through ice: 911 caller
Police in Ottawa say the bodies of two teenagers were found by divers after four fell through ice into the Rideau River.
It was about 9:30 p.m. when a young man came racing to her yard in his socks, a T-shirt and shorts. No coat. No phone. Dripping wet.
“He was yelling he needed help because his friend had fallen through the ice,” says Carly Roome.
She called the police right away, and she and her parents spoke with the boy, who was “really shaken up,” to get more details as she talked to the 911 operator.
The boy had pulled his sister out of the Rideau River, about 400 metres away from where Roome lives. But he was worried about those he was unable to save.
The family drove the teenager back to the site, where his sister was waiting, and Roome passed her phone over to the teenager so he could provide more details about what happened.
“The sister was just, like, yelling, and just, like, really freaked out,” Roome said.
“So I just held her while he was on the phone.”