Orleans residents question city’s decision to remove street from list to prevent speeding
Residents in Orléans say more needs to be done about speeding on their residential street after the city says it no longer qualifies for traffic calming measures.
Residents in Orléans say more needs to be done about speeding on their residential street after the city says it no longer qualifies for traffic calming measures.
Dmitri Tcheboterav analyzes data for a living and lately, he’s been analyzing data on Hunter’s Run Drive, where he lives.
He says he’s frustrated by constant speeding along the street towards the intersection of Jeanne D’Arc Boulevard.
"The light is incredibly short which creates an incentive for drivers to try and make the light,” said Tcheboterav.
In 2021, the city installed temporary measures to slow drivers down, but they were too confusing for some and were removed the following year.
The city also installed a speed board which clocks drivers and collects data, but residents say there’s a problem – it faces the wrong direction.
“The section of Hunter’s Run between Beausejour Drive & Jeanne d'Arc Boulevard was withdrawn from the city’s NTC program’s waiting list for future study in the spring of 2023 based on more recent speed data that no longer met the minimum criteria for NTC screening," read a statement by Heidi Cousineau, the City of Ottawa's manager of traffic safety and mobility