Opinion | Trump To Bolsonaro To Many More, The Death Of Decency In Politics
Days to go for the most high-profile election in the universe. As the two candidates enter the final lap of campaigning, the messaging has decidedly gone off-colour. The Kamala Harris campaign recently ran a commercial on Snapchat and Instagram, scripted around the love life of black voters. In the commercial, depicting a speed dating scenario, a man is seen approaching a group of women holding balloons. The young ladies enquire about the man's job, his finances, and his height. They react positively to all his answers. Then they ask him the crucial question: does he plan to vote? He responds, "Nah, not my thing"! The ladies are not impressed and they all pop their balloons, indicating it is a deal-breaker. The commercial generated backlash, with commentators saying it dehumanised and belittled the black community.
The Donald Trump campaign also ran into a controversy because of sexually implicit messaging used in a speech. Shocker. The former US president, now seeking a second term, talked about legendary golfer Arnold Palmer. Nothing wrong with that, you would say. Except that, of all things, he was discussing the size of Palmer's genitalia. This could have been a part of what is being called Trump's 'bro whispering campaign'; a swaggering, alpha-male, no-holds-barred style to reach out to men between the ages of 18-30 years. In 2018, he called a former key White House aide of his a "dog" and a "crazed, crying lowlife". In this campaign, he referred to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, as "mentally impaired".
Crude messaging and the erosion of decent political discourse has now become a global trend. Ad hominem attacks, targeting the person instead of ideas or policies, is becoming the norm. Racist remarks and misogynistic statements are rampant.