Opinion | Indian Americans Cheer Kamala Harris, But Can She Shift Their Votes?
Democratic organisers are inundated with Indian American youth "coming out of the woodwork" to support Kamala Harris. Rajeev Bhateja, co-founder of the group They See Blue, which mobilises South Asian American voters, points to a spike in volunteer signups to canvas for the Democratic Presidential nominee. "High school and college students are reaching out. It's way more than even Obama, Biden and Clinton years," he says.
The leader of They See Blue's youth chapter, Akash Borde, observed that the tide turned when President Joe Biden stepped out of the race. "Kamala's nomination after Biden decided not to rerun raised a lot more excitement among my peers," he says. "With the media narratives around Biden's age and foreign policy issues, we were struggling to bring young people in. Now, my phone is blowing away. The momentum is unprecedented in the South Asian community," says Harini Krishnan, Co-director of the group South Asians for Harris.
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