"Operation Titanic": U.S. turns to satellite technology to detect icebergs
It was the "unsinkable ship" until it wasn't.
Ten minutes before the maiden voyage of the Titanic ended in calamity, a radio operator aboard the nearby SS Californian signaled that there was an iceberg in the ship's path. The warning was ignored, and the massive collision that followed cost over 1,500 lives, prompting a wave of maritime innovations: sonar and radar navigation features, lifeboat drills and the creation of the International Ice Patrol (IIP.)
Now, 110 years after the sinking of the Titanic, the U.S. government is developing a new technology that's designed to detect and report icebergs to the maritime community.

Robert Morris, founding pastor of Gateway Church, a megachurch in Southlake, Texas, has been indicted on five counts of lewd or indecent acts with a child, stemming from alleged incidents dating back to the 1980s, the Oklahoma attorney general's office announced Wednesday. We are aware of the actions being taken by the legal authorities in Oklahoma and are grateful for the work of the justice system in holding abusers accountable for their actions. We continue to pray for Cindy Clemishire and her family, for the members and staff of Gateway Church, and for all of those impacted by this terrible situation.