Opening of multi-level car parking at Chennai airport delayed again
The Hindu
Officials have now said trials will be carried out in May after which the facility will be opened; access roads to it are yet to be laid
With access roads to it yet to be finished, the opening of the multi-level car parking at the Chennai airport has been pushed by another four months. Originally, trial run was to be finished in January and the facility was to be subsequently opened to the public.
The Airports Authority of India started building the facility three years ago over 4.25 acres, to extend the capacity for parking from 1,200 to 2,000 vehicles. This, they project, will take care of passenger’s need up to 2030. While this project built at ₹250 crore was initially scheduled to be operational in April last year, there were recurrent delays caused by the pandemic and finally, AAI said, it was likely to be thrown open this January.
Officials of AAI said, the multilevel car parking construction is nearly complete and they have been waiting for a new contractor to lay the roads from the entry of the airport to the entrances to the car parking facility in the east and west wing, and also between the terminals. Sources said, the tender for this work had to be refloated as the contractor couldn’t take up the job for various reasons.