Ontario residents waiting days to get COVID-19 test, resulting in potential discrepancy in reported cases
Many Ontario residents are being forced to wait up to five days for a COVID-19 test, which at least one expert says has the potential of skewing of results on daily reporting.
Multiple people have confirmed to CTV News Toronto they have been unable to book a COVID-19 test in Ontario in a timely manner, despite being symptomatic or potentially exposed to the virus through a close contact.
While some people reported being able to get a COVID-19 test within 24 hours after a lengthy search, many said they couldn’t get one for at least two to five days after checking assessment centres, hospitals and pharmacies.
“I went to book a test last Wednesday afternoon. First available rapid tests I could find nearby were Friday afternoon and first available PCRs were Saturday morning,” one person said on Twitter. “Could have been worse but there definitely wasn't anything within 24 hours.”
“Two days trying to get tested after being told by the Region of Peel and (Peel District School Board) to get tested immediately. Earliest I could book was December 24,” another wrote.