Ontario recommends Pfizer vaccine over Moderna for ages 18 to 24 due to ‘low incidence of cardio issues’
Global News
According to data released on Wednesday, the risk of the development of the heart condition is 1 in 5,000 for males aged 18 to 24 following a second dose of Moderna.
The Ontario government is issuing a preferential recommendation on Wednesday for those aged 18 to 24 to receive the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine over Moderna due to a very low incidence of cardio issues in some younger people.
The recommendation was made based on the advice of Ontario’s Children COVID-19 Vaccine Table, Ontario Vaccine Clinical Advisory Group and Public Health Ontario.
“This is due to an observed increase in Ontario of the very rare heart condition called pericarditis/myocarditis following vaccination with Moderna compared to Pfizer in the 18 to 24 year old age group, particularly among males,” the government said on Wednesday.
According to data released on Wednesday, the risk of the development of the heart condition is 1 in 5,000 for males aged 18 to 24 following a second dose of Moderna. This was based on more than 96,000 second doses between June 1 and August 7, 2021. For women between 18 to 24, the risk is 1 in 17,000.
In comparison, health officials said the risk was 1 in 28,000 after the second dose of Pfizer.
Health officials emphasized, however, that it is a rare event and the chance of getting COVID-19 is much more likely and the vaccine is the best defense against that.
The majority of the reported cases of the condition have been mild, “with individuals recovering quickly, normally with anti-inflammatory medication,” the government continued, adding symptoms typically began to appear a week after vaccination — more commonly after the second dose.
Symptoms can include chest pain, shortness of breath, irregular heart beat or palpitations or fatigue or general feeling of malaise or feeling unwell.