One state’s budget dispels big lie about school choice
Fox News
Arizona is proving anti-school choice scaremongers wrong. It turns out educational freedom doesn't bust the budget, it improves it because students get thousands of dollars less.
Fortunately, Arizona’s Republican-controlled legislature knows better. The typical ESA student receives about $7,500 annually from Arizona taxpayers, compared to the more than $12,000 per pupil that Arizonans give public schools through their state and local taxes alone. Jason Bedrick is a research fellow in the Center for Education Policy at The Heritage Foundation.
Over the past three years, Republican lawmakers in a dozen states have made all or nearly all K–12 students eligible for school choice. More red states, most notably Texas, appear ready to join them. To halt this progress, opponents of school choice have settled on a message intended to give conservatives pause: that school choice supposedly is a budget buster.