One Rhino Poached In Assam In 2021, Lowest In 21 Years
During 2013-14, 54 cases of Rhino poaching were reported from Kaziranga.
In what can be said as a major success in Assam's one-horn Rhino conservation, only one Rhino was poached in 2021 - the lowest in 21 years.
The Anti-Poaching Task Force (APTF) of Kaziranga National Park has tasted success. It has managed to bring down Rhino poaching cases in the national park.
Assam Special DGP GP Singh tweeted, "Year 2021 saw only one incident of rhino poaching in April 2021. The containment of poaching of One-horn rhino has been a major achievement of Anti-Poaching Task Force constituted by @mygovassamin June 2021.Compliments to @assampolice and @kaziranga_personnel. @CMOfficeAssam".
During 2013-14, 54 cases of Rhino poaching were reported from Kaziranga.