On battling crime, Georgia’s Kemp vows ‘we’re going to stay in the fight’
Fox News
Republican Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia spotlights the issue of crime as he faces Democratic challenger Stacey Abrams in a rematch of their 2018 election
With just under six weeks to go until Election Day, Republican candidates, committees and allied groups have been increasingly spotlighting crime on the campaign trail as they target Democrats. It’s an issue that national polls indicate voters trust Republicans more than Democrats. According to national ad tracking firm AdImpact, Republican campaigns and allied groups aired 53,000 commercials on crime during the first three weeks of this month.
In Georgia, where polls suggest the conservative governor has a slight edge over Democratic challenger Stacey Abrams in a rematch of their 2018 showdown, Kemp says he’s been emphasizing the issue of crime for years.