Olympians pushed to their limits over uncompromising Beijing Covid-19 controls
Weeks-long isolation, repeat stints in quarantine and sub-par meals -- these are conditions that some Olympic athletes snared in Beijing's stringent system for controlling Covid-19 say they are contending with, and some are pushing back.
Finnish ice hockey head coach Jukka Jalonen on Sunday accused China of "not respecting human rights" for keeping his star player Marko Anttila in isolation for more than two weeks, leaving the athlete, who tested positive for the virus, out of commission into the first weekend of the Beijing Winter Games, which kicked off on Friday.
"We know that he's fully healthy and ready to go, and that's why we think that China, for some reason, won't respect his human rights, and that's not a great situation," Jalonen told reporters Sunday, adding that according to his team doctor, Anttila was no longer infectious after first testing positive 18 days earlier.