Official says security cam photo taken in northern Ont. appears to be a cougar
A viewer sent CTV News Northern Ontario a security camera photo of what appears to be a cougar crossing behind his camp.
A viewer sent CTV News Northern Ontario a security camera photo of what appears to be a cougar crossing behind his camp.
“Caught this picture on my trail cam this morning (June 28) behind my camp on Apsey Lake in Espanola,” Kurt Gillis told CTV in an email.
“Thought I would share since cougar sightings are so rare.”
We sent the photo to Daniel Pouliot of Parks Canada, the manager of resource conservation at Pukaskwa National Park in Heron Bay.
While it’s difficult to be certain from a single security camera photo taken at night, Pouliot said “it does indeed look like a cougar.”
“The image is blurry and estimating the size is difficult without having knowledge of the dimensions of the background shrubs/trees,” Pouliot said in an email.
“It’s also missing the long tail, which is characteristic of the species. Again, it does look like a cougar, but it is impossible to be completely certain.”