Obligatory falsecard
The Hindu
Keith Hanson, of Boca Raton, Florida, has been one of America’s premier bridge teachers for more than three decades. He teaches bridge all over South Florida, but his center is Jourdan’s Bridge Club i
Keith Hanson, of Boca Raton, Florida, has been one of America’s premier bridge teachers for more than three decades. He teaches bridge all over South Florida, but his center is Jourdan’s Bridge Club in Delray Beach, Florida. Jourdan’s has been one of North America’s largest bridge clubs for many years, thanks to Hanson’s teaching and the brilliant management. For those readers a little slow on the uptake, Ora Lourie and I have managed Jourdan’s since 1998. Despite that, the club has been successful. Hanson is also an outstanding bridge player. He was West in today’s deal. Hanson led the king of hearts and continued with a low heart after partner signaled with the 10. East won with the ace of hearts and continued with a third round of the suit, ruffed by South. Declarer led a low trump and Hanson was sure that a finesse was coming against his king. Hanson played his king in perfect tempo – a play known as an obligatory falsecard. There was no clear reason for making this play, but it couldn’t possibly hurt and it might create a losing option for declarer.More Related News