ObamaCare on the ballot: Medicaid expansion likely to hit state ballots in 2022 – and here’s the price tag
Fox News
A key element of the ObamaCare law could hit ballots in at least four states – including the bellwether state of Florida – in 2022, which would be one-third of the non-expansion states.
If these four states expand Medicaid, it would expand their budgets by a total of $163.3 billion—$128 billion from Florida alone—over the next 10 years, according to an analysis by fiscal watchdog group Foundation for Government Accountability, released last week. It would also add another 2.4 million able-bodied adults to the Medicaid roles and increase hospital costs by $760 million in those states the report says. The FGA analysis adds that 85,810 individuals—71,662 from Florida—are already on Medicaid waiting lists in these states. "We are looking at expanding the Medicaid rolls during a waiting-list crisis when tens of thousands of people with chronic conditions and severe disabilities have died waiting to have Medicaid coverage," Hayden Dublois, research analyst with the Foundation for Government Accountability and a co-author of the report, told Fox News.More Related News