Obama’s ex-White House ethics chief calls Biden artwork arrangement 'perfect mechanism for funneling bribes'
Fox News
Former President Barack Obama’s ethics chief Walter Shaub is slamming a White House arrangement that would allow the president’s son Hunter Biden to sell his expensive artwork to anonymous buyers and with no disclosure to the public – a deal Shaub derided as a “perfect mechanism for funneling bribes.”
"So instead of disclosing who is paying outrageous sums for Hunter Biden’s artwork so that we could monitor whether the purchasers are gaining access to government, the WH tried to make sure we will never know who they are," Shaub wrote while linking to the Washington Post's report. "That’s very disappointing." Shaub doubled down on Friday, saying that the younger Biden’s new artwork career has "just got the absolute appearance that he’s profiting off of his father’s fame." "He’s not selling under a pseudonym. He’s not waiting until his father is out of office. He’s not selling at any price comparable to what other first-time artists are selling," Shaub said in a recent interview.More Related News