NYC’s next mayor will struggle to overturn hard-left criminal-justice ‘reforms’
NY Post
Violent crime in New York City is soaring: Murder is up 11.7 percent over last year; shootings, a staggering 68 percent. And it’s likely here to stay
Don’t blame poverty or the pandemic: Squalid arguments and score-settling continue to motivate most gun violence. A long-standing squabble over parking apparently led to the recent killing of 10-year-old Justin Wallace. An obscure beef between Farrakhan Muhammad and his brother allegedly precipitated a daylight shooting spree in Times Square last month. Mayor Bill de Blasio resolutely deflects responsibility for the horrific rise in crime, now entering its second year. He insists — ludicrously — that his “Cure Violence” program, which he touts annually and which has at best a track record of no impact, will fix everything.More Related News