Northlands says generator issue responsible for Yellowknife outage on Sunday
A city-wide power outage in Yellowknife on Sunday was the result of a "loss of generation supply" according to the N.W.T's power distributor.
Northlands Utilities tweeted about the generator issues at about 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, while the city was in the midst of its second outage of the weekend.
The first outage was reported at about 5:30 p.m. on Saturday.
Power was restored on Saturday in just under an hour, but the Northwest Territories Power Corporation tweeted power remained out in Behchokǫ̀ and no update was provided on when it was restored.
On Sunday, Yellowknife had its power restored at about 1:15 p.m., before a second outage hit the city minutes later.
By 2 p.m. power was once again restored across the city, according to the Northlands Utilities outage map.