Northern Ont. beekeeper advising others to have colonies tested for chemicals
A northern Ontario beekeeper is sounding the alarm after discovering most of her bees had died earlier this year.
A northern Ontario beekeeper is sounding the alarm after discovering most of her bees had died earlier this year.
Janice Mitchell is a veterinarian by trade and so she decided to send some of the deceased bees away for testing.
The beekeeper was surprised to learn most of those tested had high levels of glyphosate, a toxic herbicide found in products like RoundUp.
CTV News staff walked toured Mitchell’s backyard in Tehkummah Township on Manitoulin Island earlier this month.
She said the constant soothing hum she would hear in her ears when outside has gone silent these days.
"It was in February when I discovered the majority of my bees at the farm property that we're at here had succumbed and that's what I needed to find out," said Mitchell.