Non-binary Montrealer on hunger strike, calls for ‘X’ gender marker on Quebec health card
Global News
Alexe Frédéric Migneault, whose pronouns are they/them, says they've been trying to get an "X" gender marker on their Quebec health insurance card since 2021
Non-binary Montrealer Alexe Frédéric Migneault is on Day 3 of a hunger strike to pressure Quebec’s public health insurance board to add a third gender option to health cards.
Migneault, whose pronouns are they/them, is camping near the board’s office in Quebec City and says they won’t give up their strike until the cards carry an alternative to the traditional “M” or “F” identifiers.
Migneault, whose strike involves only consuming vegetable broth, sports drinks and water, says they’ve been trying to get an “X” gender marker on their card since 2021 and that the board has been too slow to accommodate non-binary Quebecers.
The board won’t comment on individual cases but says the Health Department is analyzing how such a change would impact the province’s health and social services network.
Quebec’s secretariat for the condition of women says the health board is participating in an interdepartmental committee tasked with producing guidance on sex and gender markers for government agencies.
The secretariat, which oversees that committee, says guidance is coming soon, but did not give a date.