No rest for the woke – you can set your daylight savings time clock by their constant demands
Fox News
The extra hour of sunshine comes with a spike in heart attacks, auto accidents and workplace injuries the day after the change. And try getting your school kid out the door earlier.
Kristi Stone Hamrick s a media consultant and commentary writer. Follow her on Twitter @KristiSHamrick.
But first to Ben, who, as a cost-saving measure (the price of candles and lamp oil really adds up), suggested to the citizens of Paris that moving the clock up in summer would save money. In a satirical article, he noted that while they rarely rose early in the day, Parisians would benefit from more sunshine… while joking that taxes could punish those inclined to sleep in.
Some people can’t take a joke, and in 1918, as a World War I response, "war time" came into being with the signature of President Woodrow Wilson. It was supposed to be temporary… it came back.