No one influenced making of national emblem at Parliament, says sculptor Sunil Deore
India Today
Hours after several political leaders questioned the expressions of the four lions of the newly installed 9.5-tonne cast of the national emblem, its sculptor, Sunil Deore, said no one influenced its making.
Hours after Opposition leaders claimed that the Centre had insulted the national emblem by installing an aggressive and disproportionate likeness of the Lion Capital of Ashoka atop of the new Parliament building in Delhi, the sculptor of the 9.5-tonne cast, Sunil Deore, said no one influenced its making.
“The cast is a replica of the sculpture at Sarnath. We studied the original sculpture before starting the project,” Deore said.
“We tried to keep in mind the exact proportions. The original structure is 3 to 3.5 feet high, but the new one is 21.3 feet tall,” he said.
Deore said there was a significant difference in the expression according to different angles.
“I did not receive the contract directly from the government. I was given the contract by Tata Project Limited,” the sculptor said.
Watch #Exclusive: Artist Sunil Deore tells about the challenges he faced during the finishing of the national emblem#NewsTrack #NewParliament #SunilDeore (@rahulkanwal) pic.twitter.com/ucoAsjXOzq