No more yearly stickers, as Yukon introduces new health cards
For many long-time Yukoners, it can be the bulkiest card in their wallet.
But starting this month, the territory is scrapping those blue health cards that have the ever-growing pile of renewal stickers in favour of new cards that it says are more modern and secure.
As of Jan. 29, any resident whose health card is expiring will automatically receive one of the new cards in the mail.
The new cards will have a colourful image of fireweed, water and mountains and, starting next year, the cardholder's photo.
In a news release, the territory also says the new cards will be more secure, with "anti-scan patterns, multiple laser-receptive layers and unique document control."
They'll also include organ donor status, and can include "FR" to indicate French as the cardholder's preferred language. Cards can also indicate whether someone is a senior who qualifies for extended health benefits and pharmacare.
Cards will be reissued every five years, and will no longer need yearly stickers. Currently, Yukoners receive a new paper sticker every year to affix to the front of their card.Over time those stickers pile up, making for a slightly fatter card.
The new cards won't include photos initially, though there will be a spot for them to be added starting next year. In the meantime the cards will be valid without photos.
In a statement, Health Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee says the new cards are about "making health services more efficient and inclusive for all Yukoners."
Residents are asked to ensure their address is current so they receive a new card in the mail. People can update their information by calling 867-667-5209 or toll free within the Yukon at 1-800-661-0408, extension 5209.
People can also visit the health department office at 204 Lambert Street in Whitehorse, or territorial agents in the communities, with their address, birth date, phone number and Yukon health plan number.
Current cards will continue to be valid until they expire.