'No help for me': Regina landlord speaks out on lack of support after rental unit damaged
The housing crisis has been top of mind in Regina since the recent tent encampment was removed near city hall. Now, landlords are adding their voices to the growing lists of concerns.
The housing crisis has been top of mind in Regina since the recent tent encampment was removed near city hall. Now, landlords are adding their voices to the growing lists of concerns.
Colleen Smith is a landlord in Regina who says she took a big hit after renting to a social assistance recipient.
The rent didn’t get paid and the property is a mess.
“The wall inside, they did the inside wall too behind the door so somebody must have been trying to get in there,” she said – while inspecting the damage to her unit.
Smith says social services paid the rent directly to the tenant who didn’t forward the money.
“I believe they paid rent in March and then they stopped paying rent so I had to go to the rentalsman to try and get them to evict them and it took me until last month to evict them.”
Smith is out three months rent and has been cleaning up for days since evicting the tenant.