NIA being used to pressurise state govt, says Sanjay Raut in Shiv Sena mouthpiece
India Today
In party mouthpiece Saamana, Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut has accused the Centre of using NIA investigations into Mukesh Ambani's bomb scare case are being used to pressurise the state government.
In an opinion piece in party mouthpiece Saamana on Sunday, Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut said that central agencies are being used to pressure the state government. With reference to National Investigation Agency (NIA) investigations in Mukesh Ambani's bomb scare case, Raut said NIA was asked to investigate this case after BJP leaders raised the issue in the state assembly. “In order to investigate this (bomb scare case outside Mukesh Ambani's home) matter, within 24 hours, the Center rammed the 'NIA', for what? Why did central government handover the investigations to NIA? It was done because Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is at the Centre. This is a tactic to pressure states like Maharashtra by using central agencies,” wrote Raut. Besides all this Sanjay Raut charges centre of roping in NIA for pressure building on the state government.More Related News