NGOs Perform Last Rites Of Unclaimed Bodies Of Covid Victims
Iqbal Mamdani and his team took full care of the fact that last rites of those who died due to Covid were performed according to their religion.
It is said that bad times reveal the true identity of relationships, and the COVID-19 pandemic has been a testing period in every aspect. Many bodies of Covid victims went unclaimed. That is when Iqbal Mamdani, a former Mumbai-based journalist, came forward and took the initiative of performing the last rites of the unclaimed bodies. He started with dead bodies from his own community, and then moved to performing last rites for all religions, seeing the need. Mr Mamdani, 51, has now become the liberator of unclaimed dead bodies. He and his companions have perfomed last rites for around 1,400 dead bodies in Mumbai, of which 800 were Hindus and 600 were Muslims. While talking to NDTV, Mr Mamdani who also runs Mamdani Trust said, “When we started the work, in Mumbai, we use to move the Muslims dead bodies to the graveyard, but when we started going to the graveyard, it came to our notice that there were many bodies with sign cards and there was nobody to bury them. During this situation we saw, a father was not ready to claim the body of his son, a son was unwilling to claim the body his parents, regardless of the religion. Then we spoke to the doctors and said that if you permit us, we can perform the last rites of such a dead bodies according to our own customs.” Mr Mamdani and his team took full care of the fact that last rites of those who died were performed according to their religion.More Related News