NGOs come forward to give a push to Chinnamandadi
The Hindu
For the first time all visitors tasted ‘Medikaya Kura’ and ‘Bilvapatram Biryani,’ a healthy food prepared by locals in Chinnamandadi
It was a new experience for more than 100 volunteers, representatives of NGOs who visited Chinnamandadi village in Peddamandadi mandal of Wanaparthy district on Sunday.
The village was very clean and neat, people are united, executing the tasks entrusted to them and making corrections required at the meeting held first Sunday of every month. The village is able to generate additional revenue by selling vermi compost and plants grown in the nursery. The committees like village development committee, farmers’ committee, women’s development committee, school committee, temple committee and other committees are doing their job perfect without any deviation showing that any united work would yield excellent result that benefits society.
More than 100 volunteers, representatives of some NGOs and individuals visited the village on Sunday in two buses and in own vehicles travelling all they way for about 150 km from here. There are people from far-off places like Tirupathi and Bengaluru as well.
Sanghamitra, a platform initiated about five months ago to bring NGOs under one umbrella to work together, has orgnised this programme. All those visited Chinnamandadi were thrilled with the discipline followed by villagers, the cleanliness maintained in the village, the concern they are exhibiting towards pregnant women and lactating mothers by supplying them fresh vegetables from the farms with the help of Yashoda Foundation, and the breakfast fed to students in the upper primary school so that no student skips the school because of hunger.
Gram Bazar, an NGO, promised to address the problem of weed in the village, GMR Varalakshmi Foundation, a CSR vertical of GMR, came forward to extend skill development for the villagers.
Hands in Hospitality Chefs Association promised to offer training and jobs for those who come from the village. Council for Green Revolution promised to offer environment awareness programmes. Palle Srujana, an NGO working with rural innovators, has offered to develop tools that are required for the village in its development activities. Vandemataram foundation came forward to extend cycles to students studying in the neighbouring village as the school in the village was only upper primary level. Vaardhi Seva, another NGO, offered to supply sanitary pads while Dhwani, another NGO from Bangalore, offered to take up capacity building programme.
For the first time all visitors tasted ‘Medikaya Kura’ and ‘Bilvapatram Biryani,’ a healthy food prepared by locals.