New York Times latest outlet to issue correction on 'whips' border story
Fox News
The New York Times became the latest outlet to issue a correction after initially running with the narrative that mounted Border Patrol agents on the southern border were whipping Haitian migrants.
"The images of agents on horseback chasing, and in some cases using the reins of their horses to strike at running migrants, came as Mr. Biden's administration moved to forcefully round up and deport more than 2,000 of the 15,000 migrants who gathered in a makeshift camp in Del Rio, Texas," the Times originally wrote of the scene.
The outlet has since updated the report to read, "Images of Border Patrol agents on horseback waving their reins while pushing migrants back..."
"An earlier version … overstated what is known about the behavior of some Border Patrol agents on horseback. While the agents waved their reins while pushing migrants back into the Rio Grande, The Times has not seen conclusive evidence that migrants were struck with the reins," the correction at the bottom of the piece read on Monday.