New York's last GOP governor predicts 'horse race' as Zeldin closes in on Hochul
Fox News
George Pataki, a former New York governor, joined Fox News' "The Story" to sound off on the prospects of New York Republican gubernatorial nominee Lee Zeldin.
"We have a real horse race for governor in New York," Pataki told "The Story" on Wednesday. "A month ago, I wouldn't have said that. But… every day there is crime after crime after crime committed in this city and across the state. And the public basically has had it, too." Charles Creitz is a reporter for Fox News Digital.
He joined Fox News in 2013 as a writer and production assistant.
Pataki noted Democrats hold a 1.5 million voter advantage over the GOP statewide, given that the nation's largest city's Democratic bent outweighs the hundreds of square miles of rural, conservative precincts in the Southern Tier and North Country. Charles covers media, politics and breaking news, and has covered the annual CPAC conference for Fox News Digital.