New York's curriculum is critical race theory by another name
Fox News
Today's Democrats now push the divisive critical race theory ideology through seemingly benign jargon. But parents can't be fooled.
Yet look no further than Monroe County, where West Irondequoit Central School District students were required to participate in an anti-racist curriculum project to learn of "the contemporary realities of structural racism." Earlier this school year, students at the Lower Manhattan Community School were segregated by race in order to "undo the legacy of racism and oppression in this country that impacts or school community." Make no mistake, dividing and defining students by their race is state-sanctioned racism.
The National Education Association – the nation’s largest teachers union and major funder of Democrat campaigns – have officially endorsed the teaching of CRT and committed to defend their ability to teach it to America’s children. A seemly strange embrace if, in fact, CRT only existed in graduate school lounges. CRT is clearly popular with the radical far-left ideologues who have taken over much of the educational ecosystem.