New numbers on nursing bed waitlists paint a troubling picture for New Brunswick
The Coalition for Seniors and Nursing Home Residents’ Rights released new numbers that show nearly 1,000 New Brunswickers are on the wait list for a nursing home bed.
New numbers released by the Coalition for Seniors and Nursing Home Residents’ Rights paint a troubling picture for the province of New Brunswick.
“It was shocking actually to receive the August report, to see such high numbers, I mean we’re talking nearly a thousand,” said executive director, Cecile Cassista.
“This is the most they’ve ever been, ever since I’ve been doing the recording of this.”
Latest data from the end of August shows that there are 984 New Brunswickers on the waitlist for a nursing bed, with 523 waiting in hospitals.
“Right now the August report shows that Moncton is the highest and of course that’s very alarming because we all know that New Brunswick is growing, and we welcome the growth, however, I think that we need to meet the adjustments as well,” said Cassista.
Breaking down the numbers by location:
Across the province, that works out to 523 people waiting in hospital, with 984 waiting for a bed in total.