New Halifax roller skating rink spins toward June opening as anticipation grows
Global News
Upshaw’s Roller Dome, a 6,500-square-foot roller rink, will open at the Spryfield Shopping Centre, right next to a bowling alley.
Halifax, grab your skates: there’s a new roller rink in town and it’s already creating a buzz online.
Upshaw’s Roller Dome in Spryfield has yet to open to the public, but Haligonians young and old are eagerly awaiting its arrival.
Owner Shane Upshaw said he didn’t expect the response.
“I knew it was going to be a little popular, but nothing to the extent that it’s came of,” he said.
Upshaw said he decided to open a roller rink in late February after struggling to find a date night option for him and his fiancée.
Less than two months later, the rink is on track to open in June.
The rink’s Facebook group launched in March and already has 4,000 members. The anticipation is palpable among the group’s members, including many with fond memories of Nova Scotia’s roller disco scene in decades past.
One Facebook user commented on a post: “49 years young here and haven’t skated since Wheelies in Sackville! My daughter loves roller skating now so we are pumped.”