New federal rules aim to protect endangered orcas, but do they go far enough?
Global News
The federal government has announced measures ranging from sanctuary zones to fishing closures meant to protect critically endangered southern resident killer orcas.
The federal government has announced several measures, ranging from sanctuary zones to fishing closures, as it works to protect critically endangered southern resident killer whales off the British Columbia coast.
But an expert says the measures need to go much further to help the animals thrive.
The federal departments of fisheries, environment and transport issued a joint news release on Wednesday outlining what is described as a fifth consecutive year of action to protect and restore the southern resident population.
There are 10 measures this year, including mandatory 10-knot speed zones in two areas near Swiftsure Bank, northwest of Victoria, a rich feeding ground for the salmon the resident whales like to eat.
Commercial and recreational salmon fisheries will be banned this summer and fall throughout the waters of the southern Gulf Islands and there will be interim sanctuary zones restricting all vessels from two areas off Pender and Saturna islands in the southern Gulf Islands.
From now until May 31, 2024, vessels are required to stay at least 400 metres away from all killer whales in southern B.C. coastal waters between Campbell River and Ucluelet, including Barkley Sound and Howe Sound.
The federal government said if whales approach, boaters should put their engine in neutral and wait for the animals to pass.
Lance Barrett-Lennard, a cetacean researcher and senior research scientist with the Raincoast Conservation Foundation, said this year’s measures are largely continuations from previous years with some tweaks to accommodate the concerns of sport fishers.