New evacuation alert issued near Drayton Valley, as some wildfire evacuees return home
People living southeast of Drayton Valley have been ordered to evacuate their homes due to a wildfire in the area.
According to an alert issued 5:37 p.m. on Wednesday, there is an out of control wildfire southeast of Drayton Valley and everyone in the area that is north of Township Road 482 and south of Highway 39, and west of Range Road 64 and east of Highway 22 must evacuate immediately.
Residents are advised to take important documents, medical supplies and pets with them. A reception centre for evacuees is being established at the Drayton Valley Omniplex.
According to a social media post by Brazeau County, about 20 people are affected by the evacuation order. The wildfire is estimated to be between 30 and 40 hectares in size.
An evacuation order for areas west of Edmonton lifted Wednesday afternoon, with residents in and around Wildwood, Lobstick and Chip Lake being allowed to return to their homes at 3 p.m.
A news release from Yellowhead County said roadblocks will be removed so residents can return but some roads, including Highway 22, may have adjusted speed limits while fire crews work in the region.
Residents are being told to check their utilities for problems and be ready to leave within 30 minutes if fire conditions change.
The county said transportation will be available between Wildwood and Edson, where a reception centre for evacuees was set up at the Edson and District Leisure Centre.
Brian Howe, an evacuee who has been staying in Edson since Monday, told CBC News he was looking forward to getting back to his Wildwood home.
"My pug wants to go home," he said.
Howe, a former firefighter, said the evacuation has brought neighbours together and there are plans to help rebuild a house that burned down north of the hamlet.
Yellowhead County Mayor Wade Williams said the fire is still burning to the north but firefighters have been able to contain it.
"If that fire flares up and gets out of that perimeter, then we will have to do another evacuation, so we've asked everybody to keep things packed and ready to go," he said.
While residents are now allowed to go back home, he said people with breathing problems may not feel safe returning just yet.