New emissions plan coming this week more specific than ever, Guilbeault says
Environment Minister Steven Guilbeault will show Canadians this week how many greenhouse gas emissions every polluting sector in the country will have to cut if Canada is to hit its latest climate target by the end of the decade.
But next month, the annual report on Canada's emissions is expected to show that in 2020 Canada blew past an emissions target for at least the seventh time in two decades.
Guilbeault said in an interview that the Emissions Reduction Plan to be tabled Tuesday will be different.
"People will see something they've never seen before," he said. "We will show projections by sectors. This has never been done."
The plan is a requirement under the Liberals' net-zero accountability law passed last year. Guilbeault says it will be very specific, showing how far every sector has come on emissions, how much further they're expected to go with the policies underway, and what else is needed for Canada to finally hit an emissions target in 2030.