New City of Edmonton program allows boulevard gardening in underutilized green spaces
Global News
The City of Edmonton has launched a new program that will allow people to plant their own garden in underutilized strips of grass between sidewalks and roads.
The City of Edmonton has launched a new program that will help beautify residential boulevards.
The Residential Boulevard Gardening Kickstart Program allows Edmontonians to plant their own garden in underutilized strips of grass between sidewalks and roads.
“I think they are really pretty,” Hazeldean resident Marissa Adie said. “I think they add a nice touch to the neighbourhood.”
“They make things so much more beautiful,” another resident Lou Remesz said.
Ward O-day’min Coun. Anne Stevenson has been advocating for this program, saying this is much needed for people without access to green spaces.
“It has no resource implication. This is one of the great benefits,” Coun. Stevenson said. “This is an asset that already exists, it won’t be an additional cost to the city to just open up these spaces for availability.”
People wanting to plant a basic garden in a green space between their sidewalk and road can apply for a permit.
There is immediate approval and the annual fee is waived for this year and 2023.