New Bride, Techie Among 7 Killed In Telangana Flash Floods Due To Heavy Rain
After heavy rains, the body of a software engineer was found floating in a drain in Warangal on Sunday night.
At least seven people, including a newly-wed bride, were washed away in flash floods caused by heavy rainfall in several districts of Telangana. In Vikarabad, newlyweds Pravalika and Nawaz Reddy were travelling with four others in a car while returning from a post-marriage function, when the new bride, her sister-in-law Shweta and her son, Thrinath Reddy, 8, were washed away. The boy has not yet been found. After heavy rains, the body of a software engineer was found floating in a drain in Warangal on Sunday night. He has been identified as Vorrom Kranthi Kumar from Shivanagar. A laptop was also recovered. There were reports of another 70-year-old in a car getting washed away in Shankarpally. A 30-year-old labourer was also washed away in Adilabad.More Related News