Neighbours relieved as notorious Timmins building demolished
Neighbours of a multi-unit apartment building turned drug house in Timmins said they were happy to see it demolished Monday.
Neighbours of a multi-unit apartment building turned drug house in Timmins said they were happy to see it demolished Monday.
Residents said the location of it has led to increased crime in the area and hardship for them.
An excavator was on scene at the apartment building, located across from the Living Space Homeless Shelter in Timmins.
The city ordered it to be demolished, with the bill going to the property owner.
Neighbours who didn’t want to appear on camera told CTV News they feel a weight’s been lifted off their shoulders.
Andre Gagnon, a business owner in the area who administers the Voices of Timmins Facebook page, said the location for the vacant property attracted people who use drugs.
“They give the people that live in this neighborhood a hard time, no privacy,” Gagnon said.