Necropsy results set to be announced Tuesday for Calgary zoo’s polar bear
Global News
The results of a necropsy are expected to be announced today after the death of a polar bear at Calgary's zoo.
The results of a necropsy are expected to be announced today after the death of a polar bear at Calgary’s zoo.
The Wilder Institute and the Calgary Zoo say seven-year-old Baffin did not resurface from a pool after playing with another polar bear on Friday.
The zoo says its animal health team and an independent pathologist have completed a necropsy.
It said last week that Baffin was sparring with his enclosure mate, eight-year-old Siku, before being found dead.
Baffin and Siku were transferred from Winnipeg’s Assiniboine Park Zoo to Calgary in 2023.
They were moved to a new polar bear habitat in a redeveloped area at Calgary’s zoo known as Wild Canada that opened in December.