Nearly half of Canadians pay more attention to the weather than payday
Global News
According to Christina Logue, the CFO of payments Canada, she said the survey was really about understanding how Canadians handle their paycheck.
For many Canadians, the best day of the week is when that paycheque hits the bank account, but according to a recent study, people aren’t bothering to check their cheques.
In an online study conducted by Ketchum on behalf of Payments Canada, from June 30 to July 6, 2022, 1,503 full-time and part-time employed Canadians were questioned about their pay statements.
The results included:
“With around $971 billion paid in annual wages and benefits to Canadians and a complex and evolving array of deductions, it’s inevitable that on occasion mistakes and discrepancies happen,” a press release from Payments Canada states.
According to new research commissioned by Payments Canada, many working Canadians do not feel well-equipped in understanding their pay statements with 38% who think it’s “unlikely they would catch any discrepancies.”
According to Kristina Logue, the CFO of Payments Canada, the survey was really about understanding how Canadians handle their paycheque.
“The intention behind the study was really to explore working-Canadians’ sentiments and their level of understanding about their paycheque and how the modernization of payments can improve that understanding and experience,” Logue said.
Loque said the move to digital has made it easier to see if you’ve been paid, rather than checking the fine details of your payment.