NBC News op-ed claims pro-life advocacy tied to White nationalism
Fox News
Abortion advocates claimed in an NBC News op-ed that the pro-life movement was tied to White nationalism and was "ignoring racism" because of the attendance of White nationalist groups at the annual March for Life.
"On Friday, anti-abortion organizers once again held the March for Life, an annual gathering on the National Mall featuring anti-abortion rights leaders and schoolchildren bused in from across the country," Sherman and Winstead wrote. "The speakers appropriated social justice language, claiming that the anti-abortion rights movement is one of love, 'equality in the womb' and 'pro-life is pro-woman' and that the 'real racists' are those of us who stand against state-sanctioned violence and coercion and believe everyone should be able to decide whether, when and how to grow their families."
"That’s the version of the rally they want you to see. What was happening offstage was far more insidious, even as it was historically predictable," they added.