Navin’s eight-hour deadline: When the lion spoke
The Hindu
This week, we start a new series. Navin, a member of the Magikers, finds out that his classmates too have a magic streak.
The day started as all boring Mondays do. Caught in a long traffic jam. By the time, Navin’s driver navigated the heavy traffic to school, he was 10 minutes late for the picnic to Sarogata Zoo. The moment he boarded the small bus, he realised that all the good seats had been. taken by his 36 classmates and the four teachers accompanying them.
Plonking his backpack down, Navin sat grumpily next to his English teacher Miss Radhika, also his class teacher. The driver started the bus, whistling a tune and singing happy songs.
“Who takes students to the zoo?” he grumbled to Miss Radhika.
“Be grateful you are getting a chance to see some wonderful animals after nearly two and a half years of the pandemic and its restrictions,” she scolded. “We can’t manage you in big groups.”
“Why couldn’t you take us to a waterpark or an amusement park? At least we would have enjoyed some rides and had fun,” Navin continued.
“None of your classmates have a problem. You are the only one always grumbling and being unappreciative,” said Mrs. Ragini Mehta. the History teacher, from the seat across the aisle.
Navin fell silent. His best friend, Pranav, was sick and had missed the picnic. Now Navin had to put up with his goody-goody classmates.