Navarasa Review: Mani Ratnam's Netflix anthology on 9 emotions is a mixed bag
India Today
Mani Ratnam and Jayendra Panchapakesan’s Navarasa is an excellent attempt at capturing nine human emotions. Unfortunately, only a couple of short films stand out from the rest, says our review.
Navarasa is here! Let’s face it. If not for Mani Ratnam and Jayendra Panchapakesan, such an attempt wouldn't have been possible in the Tamil film industry. Navarasa, as we know it, is a nine-film anthology based on nine human emotions compassion, laughter, wonder, disgust, peace, anger, fear, courage and love. Having such broad topics, it is ideally up to the director’s interpretation of that particular emotion.Each episode runs up to a maximum of 30 minutes, except for Gautham Menon’s Guitar Kambi Mele Nindru, which runs for 45 minutes. Did the audience feel the nava rasas? Let's find out.Title: Edhiri Emotion: CompassionMore Related News