NASCAR driver Brandon Brown addresses anti-Biden "let's go, Brandon" chants
NASCAR driver Brandon Brown has found himself inadvertently thrust into the national spotlight after many conservatives adopted the phrase "let's go, Brandon" as a thinly veiled insult to President Joe Biden. But the 28-year-old driver addressed the meme in an op-ed in Newsweek published Monday, saying he understands why so many Americans are frustrated with the government, even though he has "no interest in leading some political fight."
Brown acknowledged the phrase's popularity, while noting it didn't equate to support for him as a driver. He wrote that he is "fully aware" many who use the expression know little to nothing about him. Brown also admitted that, while he prefers to stay apolitical, he understands the sentiment behind the expression.
"I understand that millions of people are struggling right now and are frustrated," Brown wrote. "Struggling to get by and struggling to build a solid life for themselves and their families, and wondering why their government only seems to make it worse. People have a right to frustration — even anger."