NASA releases next wave of images from James Webb Space Telescope
The Hindu
"Each will give humanity a view of the universe that we've never seen before"
NASA on July 12 began releasing the next wave of images from the James Webb Space Telescope, the most powerful observatory ever placed in orbit.
"This morning, folks across this planet are going to see the images captured by this telescope, and every image is a new discovery," said NASA administrator Bill Nelson.
"Each will give humanity a view of the universe that we've never seen before."

Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln are two of the greatest presidents that the U.S. has seen. You probably know that already. But did you know that Jefferson made what is considered the first contribution to American vertebrate paleontology? Or that Lincoln is the only U.S. president to receive a patent? What’s more, both their contributions have March 10 in common… 52 years apart. A.S.Ganesh hands you the details…