Nanaimo, B.C., senior crochets more than 10,555 toques for charity
89-year-old Kathleen Remple has always been a positive person, even when she was growing up on the Prairies during the Great Depression. Today, she is focusing her enduring positivity and unwavering work ethic on crocheting multi-coloured toques.
The other day, someone approached Kathleen Remple and asked why she always seemed so happy.
“I told her it was because I’m lazy,” Kathleen says, with a twinkle in her eye.
An answer that’s proving to be only partly true.
“Well, takes a lot more effort to frown than smile,” Kathleen says, bursting into laughter.
While that part is accurate, Kathleen’s mention of being “lazy” isn’t.
She grew up on the farm in Prairies during the Great Depression, learning to be resilient early.
“That was hard,” Kathleen says, before revealing she was one of 12 kids.