N.S. PCs vow to build Canada's first menopause centre; Liberals promise 20 new collaborative clinics
Both the Nova Scotia Liberals and Progressive Conservatives are scheduled to make health-care announcements today on the campaign trail.
The Nova Scotia Liberals and Progressive Conservatives are both making health-care announcements on the campaign trail Wednesday.
The PCs are promising to invest in better menopause care while the Liberals announced plans to build more collaborative care clinics.
Meanwhile, NDP Leader Claudia Chender took part in a live radio interview in Halifax.
PC Leader Tim Houston says if re-elected his government would invest in Canada’s first-ever Menopause Centre of Excellence. The centre would be dedicated to managing symptoms related to perimenopause, menopause and post-menopause in women over 40.
“There are nearly 350,000 women in Nova Scotia over the age of 40 who are managing menopause, post-menopause or approaching menopause. Traditionally these women have not received the attention they deserve from our health-care system,” said Houston in a statement.
“We’re going to fix that by providing the improved access to specialized care that these women deserve.”
The PCs say they would work with Dr. Maria Migas and Dr. Shawna O’Hearn, co-founders of the Menopause Society of Nova Scotia, to establish the new clinic.